על פי מ' אבי יונה , אטלס כרטא לתולדות ארץ ישראל , ב ( המשנה והתלמוד , ( ירושלים , באדיבות הוצאת כרטא CONTENTS Volume Two The World of the Qumran Scrolls ( James Kugel ) Biblical Interpretation at Qumran 387 Ya'akov Kaduri Aharon Shemesh Halakhah in the Dead Sea Scrolls 409 Cana Werman and Pseudepigrapha 435 Jonathan Ben-Dov The 364-day Year in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Menahem Kister Jerusalem and the Temple in the Writings from Qumran 477 Qumran Community 497 Menahem Kister On Good and Evil : The Theological Foundations of the Compositions 551 Elisha Qimron The Language and Linguistic Background of the Qumran Cana Werman Eschatology at Qumran 529 Menahem Kister Some Lexical Features of the Writings from Qumran 561 The Qumran Scrolls in their Cultural Context
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