The Ministry of Education has many achievements to its credit . It has set up kindergartens for the three-to-five-year age group and about 95 per cent attend kindergarten . Education has been made compulsory and free of cost for one year in kindergarten and the school grades 1 to 10 ( ages five to sixteen ) and free of cost for the last two grades , 11 and 12 , of secondary school . All this has been achieved in spite of wars , mass immigration and economic stringency . Moreover , the ministry is constantly introducing innovative measures , many of which are designed to help the slow learners . Innovations include reforms of the curriculum and school structures ; the longer day ; remedial and compensatory education ; boarding schools ; science instruction for specially gifted children ; technology of various kinds ; special tutoring for slower learners and many reforms of one kind or another . This is a success story of a high order and it is corroborated by the fact that a fair number...
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