נספח ב Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child ( 1924 )* owes to the Child the best that it has to give , declare and accept it as their duty that , "Declaration of Geneva " , men and women of all nations , recognizing that mankind By the present Declaration of the Rights of the Child , commonly known as beyond and above all considerations of race , nationality or creed : to the service of fellow men . 5 ) The child must be brought up in the consciousness that its talents must be devoted against every form of exploitation ; 4 ) The child must be put in a position to earn a livelihood , and must be protected 3 ) The child must be the first to receive relief in times of distress ; and the orphan and the waif must be sheltered and succored ; child that is backward must be helped ; the delinquent child must be reclaimed ; 2 ) The child that is hungry must be fed ; the child that is sick must be nursed ; the materially and spiritually ; 1 ) The child must be given the means requisite ...
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