SUMMARIES THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF THE JEWS by Shmuel Ettinger transition from the ancient to the medieval period effected a change in the activity of the Jews , limiting their possibilities in it . The Jews were in urban professions - trade , crafts and finance . After the First Crusade discrimination initiated by the Christian church increased , and the Jews left with a very limited scope of economic activity . In some states this activity mainly around moneylending ; but this field of activity was rather short-lived suffered from the competition of other moneylenders . Despite this fact , the of all Jews as usurers persisted in European public opinion , even among the thinkers and the rationalists , opponents of the Church . Some of the greatest of Europe looked upon the Jews as the embodyment of the capitalistic spirit converted profit into the secular God of European society . Even those of origins adhered to these ideas . view on the development of the economic activities of th...  אל הספר
מרכז זלמן שזר לחקר תולדות העם היהודי