רשימת AJSL American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures AJA American Journalof Archaeology AfO Archiv fiir Orientforschung ADAJ Annualof the Departmentof Antiquitiesof Jordan AASOR Annualof the American Schoolsof Oriental Research the Old Testament ( 1950 ; 19552 ; 19693 ) ANET J . B . Pritchard ( ed . ) , Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to CAH Cambridge Ancient History BZA W Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur alttestamentliche Wissenschaft BA The Biblical Archaeologist ASAE Annales du ser \ ice des antiquites de 1 'Egypte JBL Journalof Biblical Literature JAOS Journalof the American Oriental Society IEJ Israel Exploration Journal HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual EA J . A . Knudtzon , Die El-Amarna—Tafeln , Leipzig 1907-1915 . CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly 1-2 ( 1925-1927 ) Luckenbill , AR D . D . Luckenbill , Ancient Recordsof Assyria and Babylonia JThS Journal of Theological Studies JSS Journal of Semitic Studies JPOS Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society JNES Journal of...
אל הספר