.LUCIO TROIANI, Commento storico al "Contro Apione" di Giuseppe

LUCIO TROIANI , Commento storico al "Contro Apione" di Giuseppe . Introduzione , commento storico , traduzione e indici . Pisa : Giardini 1977 . Unlike Josephus' other works , Contra Apionem was the subject of connentaries as early as the nineteenth century . Outstanding was Alfred Gutschmid ' s commentary published posthumously from notes which he had made only on the text up to Book I 183 . Gutschmid's commentary was published in 1893 by F . Ruhl with an illuminating introduction on the life and works of Josephus , though without any specific treatment of the Contra Apionem . Two other commentaries were also published posthumously but were much inferior to Gutschmid's . It is also noteworthy that many detailed studies were written on the fragments of the Greek authors included in the work , but none on the Contra Apionem itself . Not one of the many German dissertations on Josephus written in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is devoted to a discussion of the problems of Contra ...  אל הספר
יד יצחק בן-צבי. המכון לחקר תולדות ארץ-ישראל ויישובה