מקורות לועזיים

מקורות לועזיים Aman , M . G . and Singh , N . N . ( 1983 ) . Specific Reading Disorders : Concepts of Etiology Retardation . Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry , 1 , 31-37 . Aman , M . G ., Werry , J . S . ( 1982 ) . Mcthylphenidate and Diazepan in Severe Reading Learning Disabilities , 2 , 12-22 . Deficits in Children with Learning and Attention Disorders . Topics in Learning and Ackerman , P . T ., Dykman , R . A . ( 1982 ) . Automatic and Effortful Information-Processing American Academy of Opthalmologists ( 1987 ) . Journal of Learning Disabilities , 20 , 7 , Behavioral Disabilities , Greenwich , Vol . 2 , 1-47 . Reconsidered . In : K . D . Gadov and I . Bigler ( Eds . ) , Advances in Learning and . 412-413 Hyperactive Children . In : Lahey , ( 1979 ) , 229-236 . Ayllon , J . ct al . ( 1979 ) . A Behavioral-Educational Alternative to Drug Control of Bakkcr , D . J . ( 1981 ) . A Set of Brains For Learning to Read . In : K . C . Diller ( Ed . ) , 103 . Entry : A Nin...  אל הספר