2 . 1 הערכות הבריטים 2 . 1 . 1 חששותיו של המ 3 קד הראשי , גנרל וייוול , מסגי חימושו המוגבר של היישוב לנוכח המצב א . מברק מגנרל וייוול לגנרל דיל 12 ) במאי ( 1 9 41 , 3 Jewish Settlement Police on grounds they would deal with para- command Palestine to back scheme for maximum expansion Jewish Agency Palestine persuaded Clark while in temporary 4 over whole of Palestine . Clark ' s recommendation will be exploited raise army in Palestine which will be available end of war to take nial Office . This is merely another form of Jewish attempt to without consulting me , and High commissioner cabled it to Colo- chutists etc . Clark recommended proposal to High Commissioner 5 ward . Even if arms were available such force would be highly useful , but 25 , 000 is figure which Jewish Agency is putting for- Police by one or two thousands can be arranged and might be not get backing of War Cabinet . Expansion of Jewish Settlement to full by Jews at home and in Palestine . Please see that it does 1 המ...
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