רשימת קיצורים CSIR Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani : Corpusof Sculptureof the Roman World BASOR Bulletinof the American Schoolsof Oriental Research BAR British Archaeological Reports AJN American Journalof Numismatics AJA American Journalof Archaeology AASOR Annualof the American Schoolsof Oriental Research IEJ Israel Exploration Journal of Caesarea Maritima . ( forthcoming ) GLICM Clayton M . Lehmann and Kenneth G . Holum , The Greek and Latin Inscriptions Weidmann 1892-1916 Dessau ILS Hermann Dessau ( ed . ) , Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae . 3 vols in 5 . Berlin : QDAP Quarterlyof the Departmentof Antiquitiesof Palestine PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly NC Numismatic Chronicle LIMC Lexicon Iconogiaphicum Mythologiae Classicae JRA Journalof Roman Archaeologv 1 NJ Israel Numismatic Journal Altertumswissenschaft . Stuttgart 1893- RE A . Pauly , G . Wissowa , and W . Kroll , Real-Encyclopddie der klassischen RA Revue archeologique TA Tel Aviv SCI Scripta Classica lsraelica RRGR Reinac...
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