תקצירים באנגלית

CONTENTS La b o r Re l a t i o n s Nicholay ( Noy ) Tabah The Nationalization of the Labor Bureaus from the Perspective of State Building 9 Liat Taub The Struggle of Women Workers in the Paving and Construction Industries, 1920 - 1940 : Belonging, Differentiation, and Power - Building 36 Fo r e i g n Po l i c y a n d De f e n s e Yoram Fried The Struggle between the IDF and the Foreign Ministry for Control over the Armistice Commissions, 1948 - 1956 65 Cu l t u r e a n d Re l i g i o n Shai Dror Tagner Haim Post - Trauma and the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict through the Lens of the Films Atash and Year Zero 93 Ari Engelberg Transformations in Religious Zionist ‘Lived Religion’ through the Lens of Guidance for Singles 121 Shira Freed The Rabbis of Jerusalem and the Zealots among them in the shemittah Controversy of 1888 - 1889 147 So c i e t y Uri Cohen The Jortner Committee and the Failed Attempt to Establish the University of the Galilee in Safed, 1971 173 Oded Heilbronner ‘Kids Are ...  אל הספר
מכון בן-גוריון לחקר ישראל והציונות, אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב