6. The Influence of Prayer on People

The Sufis’ and Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s Attitudes Towards the Pillars of Islam 116 result of prayer 144 We shall expand on God’s self - manifestation in the last section Another effect of the intimate conversation with God is shame ḥayā’ ) , which in turn causes in one good behavior and manners ( and patience ( ṣabr ) Patience causes the appearance of thankfulness shukr ) and remembrance of God ( dhikr ) . Ibn al - ‘Arabī believes in ( the mutual influence of prayer and patience Thus, there is a close connection between prayer and these three mystical stations, ṣabr, shukr and dhikr This connection becomes closer in the light of the author’s statement, noted above, that prayer is the best object of worship ( al - ṣalāt khayr mawḍū‘ al - ‘ibādāt ) 145 The procedure of connecting mystical stations and the most salient ritual of Islam demonstrates Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s eagerness to incorporate mysticism into the legal system of Islam Concerning a specific legal question, he states “We have explained...  אל הספר
אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים