
Prayer 77 Aramaic verbal noun selōtā 2 In the Qur’ān prayer is introduced as a prophetical heritage that originated with the beginning of humanity It is also connected with Jews and Christians 3 Islam prescribes believers to perform five daily prayers, something not mentioned in the Qur’an, and prayers on the two feasts ( ṣalāt al - ‘īdayn ) Other prayers related to specific circumstances, such as the supplication ( du‘ā’ ) 4 for rain ( istiqsā’ ) or asking direction from God ( istikhāra ) , are supererogatory prayers ( nawāfil ) 5 Muslims pray at dawn ( ṣubḥ ) , at noon ( ẓuhr ) , in the middle or late afternoon ( ‘aṣr ) , after sunset ( maghrib ) , and in the evening or beginning of the night ( ‘ishā’ ) 6 Each prayer includes various acts, such as standing, sitting, bowing ( rukū‘ ) , prostrating ( sujūd ) , reading Qur’ānic verses, proclaiming God’s unity and Muhammad’s mission ( shahāda ) , and the greatness of God ( takbīr ) One series of these acts is called a rak‘a , and each pr...  אל הספר
אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים