מקורות לתמונות

הגוף | 436 . insulin patient : Wellcome Images Page 8 Gray’s Anatomy : © King’s College London / Mary Evans Picture Library ; Charles Byrneskeleton : © KenWelsh / Bridgeman Images ; dissecting room at St George ׳ s Hospital with Henry Gray : Wellcome Collection . Section 2 Page 1 Walter Bradford Cannon : Wellcome Collection ; Peter Medawar : Bettmann / Getty Images ; Richard Herrick : Bettmann / Getty Images . Page 2 Respiratory calorimeter : Topham Picturepoint © 1999 ; Minnesota Starvation Experiment : Wallace Kirkland / Getty Images . Page 3 William Beaumont : Granger / Bridgeman Images ; Michel Siffre : Keystone - France / Getty Images . Page 4 Nettie Stevens : Heritage Image Partnership Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo ; nineteenth - century doctor : INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo ; Ernst Gräfenberg : Museum of Contraception and Abortion, Vienna . Page 5 Six - week - old human embryo : Neil Harding / Getty Images ; eight - cell - stageembryo : Dr Yorgos Nikas / Science Photo Library / Getty...  אל הספר
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