ב. על חתימות ופעולות דיבור

7 1 1 ז ה ו ת י ה ו ד י ת ו א מ ר י ק א י ת ב ס פ ר ו ש ל ל י א ו ר ו ס ט ן one hundred words, entitled “My Job . ” Now only Mr . Kaplan’s rendition remained . ibid . , p . 13 ) ( חששותיו של פרקהיל מתחזקים עוד כשעולה שוב עניין שמו הפרטי של קפלן וחתימתו : It would be more accurate to say Mr . K * A * P * L * A * N’s rendition of the assignment remained, for even in thinking of that distinguished student, Mr . Parkhill saw the image of his unmistakable signature, in all its red - blue - green glory . The multicolored characters were more than a trademark ; they were an assertion of individuality, a symbol of singularity, a proud expression of Mr . Kaplan’s Inner Self . To Mr . Parkhill, the signature took on added meaning because it was associated with the man who had said his youthful ambition had been to become “a physician and sergeant,” the Titan who had declined the verb “to fail” : “fail, failed, bankropt . ” [ ibid . ] פרקהיל אם כן מאוים מחתימתו של קפלן לא רק בשל ייחודיותה, צבעוני...  אל הספר