
Perspectives, Relationships and Relativity in Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s Thought 104 kinds of devices of seeing are unable to encompass the object of seeing . Thus, the Messenger examines things in accordance with what he was sent, that is, his perspective is the Qur’ān . The believer sees in keeping with what he knows from the Messenger, however, his rank is below the messenger’s . God examines the believers through the criteria that the Messenger showed to the believers . The believers see acts from their point of view or from the Messenger’s . The various perspectives of scholars who seek to enact religious rules cause controversies . Paraphrasing Qur’ān “everything goes back to Him” ( ilayhi yurja‘u al - amru 123 : 11 kulluhu ) , 3 he refers this sentence to the present subject matter and asks : “If God Himself judges issues, which perspectives does He employ ? Does he judge through his own perspectives, or the Messenger’s or the believers’” ? He answers this question saying that the perspe...  אל הספר
אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים