Chapter 6 Aspects of the Human Being

Perspectives, Relationships and Relativity in Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s Thought 62 view, each thing in the universe has both a divine perspective and relation to God, and a material perspective and relation to creation . 3 This is the contradictory nature of things that combine in themselves the concealed, divine ( bāṭin ) and the manifest, material ( ẓāhir ) perspectives . 4 The human acts are created by God, notwithstanding they are related to the human being . 5 By stating this, our author accepts al - Ash‘arī’s theory of kasb ( acquisition ) , according to which God creates the human being’s acts and the latter acquires them . 6 In like manner, Ibn al - ‘Arabī qualifies creation as an isthmus between light and darkness . The created things are not characterized as having darkness or light in their essence, but they have perspectives of the two elements, which represent nonexistence and existence respectively . One’s two eyes represent the aspects by which one considers things – from the as...  אל הספר
אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים