Perspectives, Relationships and Relativity in Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s Thought 30 entities are ranked in grades, so God’s names are arranged in a hierarchy . The attribute of knowledge overcomes the attribute of will and the latter overcomes the attribute of power . Very probably, in this issue, Ibn al - ‘Arabī follows al - Ghazālī who states that knowledge raises will and will raises power . 5 Our author states that God as knowing is more general than God who wills or is All - Mighty . Here two perspectives are used, the first is the power to overcome and decide, and the second is generality . 6 He adds that the divine names excel each other regarding generality ‘umūm ) and encompassment ( iḥāṭa ) . Both ‘ālim and ‘alīm mean ( knowers, that is those who encompass knowledge, however, the encompassment of the ‘alīm is greater than that of the ‘ ālim . 7 The name living ( ḥayy ) is the condition for all the relationships between God and the universe . Even the relationship of al - ’ulūha Divini...
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