32 ? Was the city of david Walled in the iron age iia Introduction Some of the most extensive excavations in the City of David have been underway since March in the area of the Givati Car Park in the City of David ( Fig . 1 ) 1 , on behalf of the Israel 2007 Antiquities Authority ( IAA ) . The Iron Age is represented in the Givati dig by a number of clearly defined phases of settlement covering most of the period . The earliest of these phases has been dated to the Iron Age IIA, with remains found directly on bedrock at an average depth of approximately 10 m below the surface . These remains include meager, carelessly constructed buildings, whose walls, usually the width of one row of stones, encompassed various household installations . This dwelling quarter kept its character throughout the Iron Age ( Ben - Ami and Tchekhanovets 2010 ) . The excavation revealed that the builders of the early settlement frequently used bedrock as a foundation for the walls of dwellings ; sometimes eve...
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