הסבוטז' 465 תרשים י"ג 2 אבטלה וענישה הערה : על אומדן אוכלוסיית העונשין ראו ההערה לתרשים י"ג . 1 . SOURCE : The correctional population ) till 1979 : Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online , Table http : / / www . albany . edu / sourcebook / csv / t6282009 . csv ; for 1980 - 2004 : Table 6 . 1 . 2010, http : / / 2009, . 28 . 6 www . albany . edu / sourcebook / csv / t612010 . csv ; for 2005 - 2007 : Correctional Population in the United States 2015, Table 1, https : / / www . bjs . gov / content / pub / sheets / cpus15 . zip ; for 2008 - 2018 : Correctional Population in the United States , 2017 - 2018, https : / / bjs . ojp . gov / library / publications / correctional - populations - united - states - 2017 - 2018 ( . Population ) till 1929 : Historical Statistics of the United States : Earliest Times to the Present , Millennial Edition online , series code : Aa 7 ; 1930 onward : U . S . Bureau of the Census through IHSMarkit , series code : N @ US ( . Unemployment ) till 194...
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