On Translating A Conversation at Night Shimon Levy | 304 A Conversation at Night Edith Stein | 306 Leah Goldberg | 312 Israel ( ) The Lady of the Castle Ben - Ami Feingold | 314 Dye Malka fun Palaz Achinoam Aldouby in Conversation with the Director Yitzhak Shauli | 328 The Lady of the Castle from a Psychological Perspective Orit Bergman | 333 From the Play The Lady of the Castle Leah Goldberg | 339 Else Lasker - Schüler | 340 Germany, Switzerland ) ( Between Lower - Jerusalem and Lower - Berlin : Poetry, Theatre, Politics, Apocalypse, and Apophenia in IandI Gad Kaynar ( Kissinger ) | 342 Telling the Holocaust in a Different Way Gad Kaynar Kissinger ) in Conversation with ( the Director Dadi Baron | 354 At the Station, Waiting for Else Haim Be’er | 369 Turn of the Century Wislawa Szymborska | 370 From Page to Stage : Theatrical and Literary Works by and about the Women from the Second Act 372 | 392 The Third Act : The Eichmann Trial on the Theatre Stage Hannah Arendt and the Eichmann Tr...
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