
344 הערות 114 Frankel, . 11 Frankel, 115 . 12 Frankel, 118 . 13 Anthony Partridge and William B . Eldridge, The Second Circuit Sentence Study : A 14 Report to the Judges of the Second Circuit August 1974 ( Washington, DC : Federal Judicial Center, August 1974 ) , 9 . US Senate, “Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1983 : Report of the Committee on 15 the Judiciary, United States Senate, on S . 1762, Together with Additional and Minority Views” ( Washington, DC : US Government Printing Office, 1983 ) , Report No . 98 – 225, Note 2, 41 . Anthony Partridge and Eldridge, Second Circuit Sentence Study , A - 11 . 16 Partridge and Eldridge, Second Circuit Sentence Study , A - 9 . 17 Partridge and Eldridge, A - 5 – A - 7 . 18 William Austin and Thomas A . Williams III, “A Survey of Judges’ Responses to 19 Simulated Legal Cases : Research Note on Sentencing Disparity,” Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 68 ( 1977 ) : 306 . John Bartolomeo et al . , “Sentence Decision Making : The Logic of Sen...  אל הספר
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