
282 צבי גרינברג 9 . 1985, , A . Cairncross, Years of Recovery, Methuen and Co . Ltd, London pp . 6 - 7 J . C . R . Dow, The Management of The British Economy 1945 - 60 , . 10 Cambridge Press, 1964, pp . 7 - 13 National Archives and Records, London, FO 371 / 45694, J . E . Coulson, . 11 "The Effect of Our External Financial Position on Our Foreign Policy", March 30, 1945 Ibid . 12 Ibid, CAB 66 / 65 / ",15 Overseas Financial Policy Stage III, memorandum . 13 by Lord Keynes, attached to note by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, W . P . ( 45 ) 301, to the War Cabinet, May 15, 1945 ; " Overseas Financial Policy in Stage III", May 1945, in The Collected Writing of John Maynard Keynes, Vol . 24, Moggridge Donald ( Ed . ) , Macmillan Cambridge University Press, 1971, pp . 256 - 295 Ibid . 14 FRUS ( U . S . Department of State - Foreign Relations of The United . 15 States ) , 1945 Vol . 06, United Kingdom , " Report on Conversations with British Officials March 1945 ," April 24, 1945, pp . 36 - ...  אל הספר