Elli Fischer [ * 240 ] gentile names in their business and in their associations with non - Jews are in violation of a prohibition and whether it is proper to act in this manner . Let us go through this issue . In the words of the halakhists through history, we find opinions from one end of the spectrum to the other, on either side . Rabbi Weiss begins the ensuing discussion by citing several latter - day authorities who rule stringently : Rabbis Moshe Schick ( 1807 - 1879 ) , Shimon Greenfield ( 1860 - 1930 ) , and Yosef Rozen ( 1858 - 1936 ) . 5 He counters this with a number of authorities from recent centuries who deny that there is such a prohibition or limit it to names with particularly negative associations . He also notes, as others did, that historically a great many Jews, including leading rabbis, did not have Jewish names . He then turns to two early modern Sephardic authorities, Rabbis Shmuel de Medina ( 1505 - 1589 ) 6 and Yom Tov Tzahalon ( 1559 - 1638 ) , 7 both of whom...
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