Viktória Bányai [ * 108 ] As a result of the Holocaust, in 1945 in Hungary there were hardly any Jewish families left intact by the war . Alarge number of surviving children had lost one or both parents and many members of their extended families – grandparents, cousins, etc . Even those family members still alive were, in many cases, unfit for bringing up children, for financial and / or psychological reasons . In 1941 the cohort consisted of 60,1 2 children in the countryside and 29,042 children in 19 - 0 Budapest, while in 1946 there were only 7,566 in the countryside ( that is 87 . 5 % lower than the number five years earlier ) and 13,184 ( 55 % lower ) in Budapest . 4 It is important to note that on the one hand the decrease is the result of the impact of migration, and on the other hand our data are to some extent distorted by not comparing those cohorts born in the same year, but those beyond their 19 th birthday were replaced by those born in the meantime . The birth rate, whic...
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