Victor Karady [ * 18 ] majority about ‘national aims’ . Such majority was never easy to realize, since various regional, economic, social clusters of the would - be nation state could ( and often did ) promote different projects – notably in matters political about the organization of the state, its leadership, its administrative or – judicial system, its transnational ties and alliances, etc . Nationalism, the cult of common nationhood, together with the celebration of its reconstructed ( or imagined ) common past, as proposed by nation - building elites, could be the unifying ideological force facilitating such mobilization . The history of West European countries, the first ones to achieve early nationalization, proves that the construction of modern nationhood could be completed without disruptive dissensions from the 18 th century onwards in territories of old feudal type societies with frontiers long since commonly accepted or regarded as ‘natural’ . However, early nation - build...
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