
Ultra - Orthodox Society on the Axis between Conservatism and Modernity iv of the ultra - Orthodox population, 4 % a year, more than double that of the population as a whole ( 1 . 9 % ( . This growth expands the borders of the ultra - Orthodox core and leads to the formation of new identities and groups within the sector, located along the axis between conservatism and modernity . There is no debate that this axis exists, with the fanatically conservative at one extreme and the modernizers at the other . The scholarly research about ultra - Orthodox society in the last generation has aimed to shed light on this axis and to investigate the influence that these two groups—the modernizers and the conservatives—have on the ultra - Orthodox mainstream Many studies have dealt with the processes of change, modernization, and Israelization that ultra - Orthodox society has been undergoing in recent decades and with the rise of subsectors within it . These studies have dealt with the transition...  אל הספר
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