Josef Bamberger “And He Made Him a Memory in His Piyyut” : From the Handwritten Commentary to the Printed Collection of Stories 443 Nathanael Riemer AYiddish Version of the Story of the Mouse Tower in Bingen at the Rhine 465 Simon Neuberg An Unknown Yiddish Song from the 16 th Century ( Yiddish ) 485 Vered Tohar Midrash on Ten Commandments : The Ferrara 1554 vs . the Lublin Printed Editions 495 1572 Part Five : Jewish Thought Isaiah Teshima What is “The Hebrew Bible as It Was” ? : On the Order and the Name as the Ground of Historical Criticism 9 * Tzahi Weiss Gemula and the Golem : On the Plausible Conversations of Two Sages that were in Our Town 511 Moshe Idel Wedding Canopies for the Divine Couple in R . Moshe Cordovero’s Kabbalah 21 * Dov Schwartz Multilayered Writing : Preliminary Notes 523 Avi Sagi Textual Space and Geographic Space : On the Hebrew Writer’s Attachment to a Homeland 545 David Weinfeld Three Poems of Adam Zagajewski 563 Roman Katsman books and scriptures as symbols ...
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