* 40 Moshe Idel * 19 ? What is “The Hebrew Bible as It Was” the massoretic text with a space of four lines, following the ruling of the scribes for making a Torah scroll . 15 The Hebrew text of the Pentateuch in the Jewish tradition was presented as one continuous text—its five parts were not distinguished from each other by titles—prior to the time of the Reformation . With all this in mind, I must conclude that it is the Rabbinic Bible of Venice which initiates the quest of Biblia Hebraica ) that led readers to divide the text into ( books, and introduced the chapters of the Old Testament into the massoretic system of division that initially distinguishes the text with parashiyyot ( blank spaces ) to show the literary paragraphs . In a way, Biblia Hebraica is a hybrid that represents a destruction to the entire tradition of the Scripture of Judaism, and is certainly a hindrance to the quest for “the Hebrew Bible as it was . ” It may be necessary for the theologies of the Reformation ...
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