Reading Made Easier : The explicit instruction of reading strategies | 352 Undergraduate NNS & NS ( non - native speakers & native speakers, respectively ) Text 8 : Anderson, N . J . ( 2002 ) . The role of metacognition in second language teaching and learning . ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics . http : / / www . cal . org / resources / digest / 0110 anderson . html http : / / www . cal . org / content / search ? SearchText = the + role + of + metacognition Undergraduate NNS & NS Text 9 : Foster, K . K . ( 2004 ) . Warming up to learn : Using introductory questions to activate critical thinking . Thinking Classroom, 5 ( 4 ) , 39 - 43 . h t t p : / / s e a r c h . p r o q u e s t . c o m . m g s . s m k b . a c . i l / r e s u l t s / BE12 E293 AAC74906 PQ / 1 ? accountid = 28607 Undergraduate Text 10 : Martinez, M . E . ( 2006 ) . What is metacognition ? Phi Delta Kappan, http : / / pdk . sagepub . com / search / results ? fulltext = what + . 699 - 696 , ) 9 ( 87 is + me...
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