Reading Made Easier : The explicit instruction of reading strategies | 248 to use it when performing reading - writing tasks such as a review of the literature . Until recently, the task has been referred to as discourse synthesis e . g . , Nelson & Calfee, 1998 ; Plakans, 2009 ) , but is now more commonly ( referred to as writing - from - sources ( Segev Miller, 2004 ) , or synthesis writing ( e . g . , Vandermeulen, Van den Broek, Steendam, & Rijlaarsdam, or integrated writing ( e . g . , Plakans, Gebril, & Bilki, 2019 ) . , ) 2019 Writing - from - sources is a rather common but cognitively demanding academic task . When summarizing a single text, students are required to identify the main idea, or macroproposition, of the text . When synthesizing, however, students are required to create their own macroproposition, or rather "superproposition", from different ‒ sometimes even contradictory ‒ macropropositions of several source texts, and to organize these in a previously non - exist...
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