245 | PART THREE : READING STRATEGIES IN CONTEXT important information from the text or the reader's thoughts while reading to assist his memory . Note taking offloads the pressure of cognitive processing to a large extent ( … ) , thereby acting as a tool that contributes to restoration of long - term memory 'externally', and freeing up cognition for more short - term processes . Note taking ( … ) is a complex human behavior involving information management in interaction with other cognitive functions ( Roy, Brine, & Murasawa, 2014 : 1 ) . The notes usually consist of a phrase or a complete sentence . Note taking which belongs to category A ‒ Facilitation . , ) רישום ( is different from noting Pressley and Afflerbach ( 1995 : 44 ) include note taking with marking strategies such as "highlighting, underlining, circling ( … ) , outlining, or somehow flagging important points in the text", which in my classification are also category A strategies . Their definition, then, does not seem t...
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