209 | PART THREE : READING STRATEGIES IN CONTEXT required to write a summary of the text, that is, to select the most important information from the text . 131 Three of the six readers in Gal's group, who were aware of the task before they started reading, decided ( that is, they used planning ) to highlight the important information while reading, but they had a problem selecting that information and ended up highlighting about 60 % of the text and then copying it verbatim . This finding is in line with previous research ( e . g . , Segev Miller, 2003 b, 2003 c, 2011, 2016 ; Veenman, 2015 ) , which indicated that one of the differences between good and poor readers was that the latter were unable to distinguish between important and less important or relevant and less relevant information . Successful task representing, then, does not necessarily guarantee a successful summarizing process or product . It is not the case, then, as Flower ( 1987 : 2 ) argued, that "the task as students ...
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