Reading Made Easier : The explicit instruction of reading strategies | 196 Extract 2 : Lila Undergraduate , Text 8 NEIL J . ANDERSON, BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY ] [ ] 4 [ כתוב פה שזה, אאא . . . כתב את זה . . . מישהו מ . . . Birmingham Young University כלומר חוקר באקדמיה / / ] 5 [ אז זה איזשהו מאמר אקדמי כזה ] identifying genre [ / / Anumber of definitions of genre have been influential in the area of genre analysis, notably those of Martin ( 1984 ) and Swales ( 1990 ) . Swales ( 1990 : 58 ) defines genre as "a class of communicative events, the members of which share some set of communicative purposes which are recognized by the expert members of the parent discourse community" . Genres include both literary text varieties, such as short stories, novels, sonnets, and non - literary, such as lectures, lab reports, textbooks, news items, travel brochures, film reviews, recipes, formal and informal From the start, it is ( personal ) letters, advertisements, and listicles . 124 important to ...
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