173 | PART THREE : READING STRATEGIES IN CONTEXT Extract 3 : Dave Undergraduate, Text 8 that is, ] ] [ rereading ] / / [ they have strategies for finding out or [ [ ] 11 [ figuring out what they need to do . ] ] 12 [ זה לא ממש מסביר את המשפט הקודם ] evaluating [ / / ] 13 [ אבל אולי בהמשך ] predicting [ / / ) . . . ( The distinctions between cognitive and metacognitive strategies are [ important, partly because they give some indication of which strategies are the most crucial in determining the effectiveness of learning . ] ] 21 [ כלומר המשפט הזה מדבר על הבדל בין cognitive ו - metacognitive translating ] strategies [ / / ] 22 [ מעניין מה ההבדל ביניהם ] evaluating [ / / ] 23 [ אולי בהמשך יגידו לנו ] predicting [ / / Extract 4 : Alex Undergraduate, Text 9 In other words, critical thinking is a rational application of facts in a new [ and creative way . It uses reasoning and problem - solving skills . There are multiple answers to questions . Evaluative conclusions are involved in the pro...
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