Reading Made Easier : The explicit instruction of reading strategies | 118 ] 66 [ שזה פשוט קיצור של ] identifying function of symbol [ / / Israeli Chefs Association ) . Moshe Katz, chairman of the ICA, says, ] ( [ Extract 2 : Lila Undergraduate, Text 8 During a National Public Radio broadcast in the United States in March [ a sixth [ PAUSE ] sixth grader explained what she was learning from 1999, playing the Stock Market Game, an activity designed to help children become familiar with how the stock market functions . ] ( … ) [ She said, "This game makes me think how to think" ( Prakash, 1999 ) . ] ] 20 [ אאא . . . 1999 Prakash, בסוגריים . זה איזכור identifying function of ] symbol [ / / ] 21 [ אבל למה זה מתייחס ? ] evaluating [ / / ] 20 [ זה אמור להתייחס למחקר ] . identifying function of symbol cont [ / / ] 21 [ אבל . . . evaluating ] cont . [ / / ] 22 [ אז הילדה הזו בעצם אמרה : המשחק הזה לימד אותי ] translating [ / / ] 23 [ אמממ . . . לא, לא לימד אותי . יותר נכון ] evaluating [ / / ] ...
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