65 | PART TWO : METHODOLOGY subjects should be instructed not to read silently, as this may result in the loss of data . In this book, the analysis unit has been defined in terms of a move Deegan, 1995 ) , or ( the use of a strategy, which could be distinguished from other strategies by its purpose . This purpose is often reflected by the reader's explicit use of verbs : e . g . , "I'm putting off trying to cope with this problem", "I'm selecting this sentence", "I'm concluding that…", "I'm going to reread this paragraph" . The purpose is not always as explicit, and the researcher has then to infer it, that is, to interpret the reader's purpose from what he or she has said . A move may be accompanied by another move, which serves as an elaboration on it ( that is, an explanation or reason for taking it ) : e . g . , " [ 1 ] I'm incorporating the ( … ) / / [ 2 ] because I realized that ( … ) Segev Miller, 2005 : 537 ) . ( What is verbalized by readers is what is heeded in short - term m...
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