63 | PART TWO : METHODOLOGY for rising intonation expressing surprise, disbelief, confusion, 6 . Superscript etc . Bold followed by an exclamation mark for stress on word . . 7 A dashed box for marking a word or a clause or a sentence in the . 8 text read . Double parentheses for information documented by the researcher but . 9 not verbalized by the subject such as ( ( Subject chuckles ) ) , ( ( Subject underlines word ) ) , or ( ( Subject looks up word in the dictionary ) ) . Strikethrough for text not read ( i . e . , skipped ) . . 10 Angle brackets > for meta - comments , that is, remarks, which are < . 11 not related to the task assigned, and are, therefore, to be ignored in the analysis ( instead of the braces in the margin suggested by Swarts et al . ) . For example, one subject in one of my studies suddenly remembered that she had not fed her cat that morning . Another subject made a remark about the weather . One limitation of the transcription is that spoken discourse features...
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