61 | PART TWO : METHODOLOGY The instructions should also include ( a ) the task following the reading ; b ) the language the subjects are to think in ( "Whatever language you ( feel more comfortable with" ) ; and ( c ) the level of detail expected . Sanz ( 2009 : 53 ) , for example, asked his subjects . to talk aloud ( … ) . What we mean by talk aloud is that we want you to say out loud everything that you would say to yourself silently while you think . Just act as if you were alone in the room speaking to yourself . The readers must be given time to ask the researcher any questions about the process before beginning . Finally, they should be provided with draft paper, pens, pencils, markers, and an English - Hebrew dictionary . Practice : The reader practices the think - aloud technique with Text . 3 B . Dougherty Stahl and Carcia ( 2017 : 252 ) warn that "the training of participants ( … ) needs to be thorough enough that they understand the task, but not so rehearsed that it influe...
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