188 תולדות הרעיונות העת החדשה המוקדמת לקריאה נוספת Bireley, Robert, The Refashioning of Catholicism, 1450 - 1700 ( Washington, D . C . : Catholic University of America, 1999 ) . Bremond, Henri, Histoire littéraire du sentiment religieux en France, 11 vols . ( Paris : Bloud & Gay, 1916 - 1933 ) . Codina Mir, Gabriel, Aux sources de la pédagogie des Jésuites : Le ‘Modus Parisensis’ Rome : Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1968 ) . ( Cognet, Louis, Le Jansénisme ( Paris : PUF, 1961 ) . Delumeau, Jean, Catholicism between Luther and Voltaire : A New View of the Counter - Reformation ( London : Burns & Oats, 1977 ) . Doyle, William, Jansenism ( New York : St . Martin Press, 2000 ) . Freedberg, David, The Eye of the Lynx : Galileo, His Friends, and the Beginning of Modern Natural History ( Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2002 ) . Hinz, Manfred et als . ( eds . ) , I Gesuiti e la Ratio Studiorum ( Rome : Bulzoni, 2004 ) . Kallendorf, Hilaire, Conscience on Stage : The Comedia as...
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