תקצירים באנגלית

CONTENTS Fo r e i g n Po l i c y a n d De f e n s e Dan Naor Did All Roads Really Lead to Beirut ? Menachem Begin’s Lebanese Policy, 1977 - 1982 9 Aharon Kampinsky Minister Zevulun Hamer’s Ambivalent Attitude to the Peace Process with Egypt 40 So c i e t y Uri Cohen Blocking Social Mobility in the Open University : Govering Institutions and the Council for Higher Education, 1974 - 1987 67 Ram Yehoshua Adut Dad Works, Mom Makes a Living : Life Stories of Mizrahi - Jews and Arab - Israelis of the ‘First Mobility Generation’ 118 Deborah Bernstein From Haifa to Berlin : The Jewish Bourgeoisie Talia Pfefferman in Palestine in the Early 20 th Century from a Gender Perspective 150 Cu l t u r e a n d Ed u c a t i o n Roy Weintraub History Education in State - Religious Schools during the Past Decade 187 Yair Seltenreich Shaping a Mobilized Culture : The 1936 Riots and the Hashomer Collection 220 Th e Kn e s s e t Ofer Kenig Does the Knesset Reflect the Composition of Chen Friedberg Israeli Soc...  אל הספר
מכון בן-גוריון לחקר ישראל והציונות, אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב