List of Contributors * 384 Prof . Joseph R . Hacker ( Emeritus ) , Department of History of the Jewish People and Contemporary Judaism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, joseph . hacker @ mail . huji . ac . il Prof . Rachel Hitin Mashiah, Language Education in a Multicultural Society, Levinsky College of Education, rachelm @ levinsky . ac . il Prof . Moshe Idel ( Emeritus ) , Department of Jewish Thought, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ; Shalom Hartman Institute ; The Zefat Academic College, moshe . idel @ gmail . com Prof . Jonathan Israel ( Emeritus ) , School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, jisrael @ ias . edu Dr . Limor Mintz Manor, Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cancer Immunotherapy, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein - Kerem, mm . limor @ gmail . com Prof . Moisés Orfali, Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Judaism, Bar - Ilan University, moisesorfali @ yahoo . com Prof . Juan Ignacio Pulido Serrano, Department of History a...
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