Matt Goldish * 268 Here is how it appears to me based on the opening pages of the Hakham’s treatise, De la Divina Providencia, o sea Naturaleza Universal, o Natura Naturante . Tratado Theologico, Dividido en dos Dialogos . 2 In the academy yesiba ) where he was teaching – and perhaps in response to discussions that ( had arisen among the students – Hakham Nieto took upon himself to address the concept of Nature . Nature and God, he declared, is the same thing, for any effect imputed to nature is actually the work of God . This comment was, predictably, discussed abroad and Hakham Nieto was requested to clarify his statement to the community . On 29 November 1703, in his Sabbath sermon, the Hakham offered the following explanation : They say that in the yesiba I stated that God and Nature, and Nature and God, Asamaim London ( 1701 – 1728 ) ( London : Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co . Ltd, 1931 ; reprinted from Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England, vol . 22 ) , Anglo - ...
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