Luther and the Jews: The Perplexities and Potentialsof the 500th Anniversary of the ReformationHeinz Schilling

Heinz Schilling * 50 In the wake of the quincentennial of the Reformation in 2017, the situation is quite different . There are two main reasons for this : first, the revival of Protestant dominance in German political culture as a result of the reunification, and second, the fact that, for the first time since the first centenary of the Reformation in 1617, and also in German historical memory, this fifth centenary will be celebrated by a democratic and open society . Memorial events of the Reformation already began in 2008, initiated by Bishop Wolfgang Huber, at the time president and speaker of the Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands ( EKD ) , the federal representative of the German Landeskirchen ( Protestant Territorial Churches ) , which is the main and autonomous organization of German Protestantism dating back to the alliance between the Reformation and the territorial princes in the early sixteenth century . He inaugurated a “Lutherdekade ”, a decade in which to prepare for the q...  אל הספר
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