תקצירים באנגלית

CONTENTS Po l i t i c s Ronen Traube Moshe Dayan and the Palestinian Issue : The Local Elections in the West Bank, 1972 7 Lilach The Religious Women Party in the First Rosenberg - Friedman Knesset Election : Failure or Achievement ? 35 Meir Chazan Ben - Gurion and Britain, 1930 - 1939 73 Cu l t u r e Yair Berlin ‘Talmud Industry’ : Daf Yomi and Modern Consumer Culture 109 Adia Mendelson Maoz Palestine, My Love : Place and Home in the Literary Works of Sayed Kashua 137 Elazar Ben Lulu Ethnography of Ethiopian Sigd in an Israeli Reform Congregation 165 Udi Carmi The Americanization of Muscular Judaism 192 So c i e t y a n d Ec o n o m y Itamar Radai Jews from Islamic Countries – Images and Perceptions in the Yishuv Society : The Case of Hannah Helena Thon 216 Orly C . Meron Haifa and Beirut in a Comparative Perspective : Jewish Entrepreneurship between the British and the French Mandates 245 Kobi Cohen - Hattab Establishing the Israel State Archives, 296 1950 - 1948 Abbreviations 325 Lis...  אל הספר
מכון בן-גוריון לחקר ישראל והציונות, אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב