ABSTRACTS viii entrepreneurs laid down Haifa’s industrial foundations during the period before the determination of rigid borders between the new nation - states . Keywords : Ethnic Entrepreneurship, Ethnic Owned Economy, Ethnic Composition of the Population, Industrial Structure, Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Mandatory Rule, Immigrant Economy Establishing the Israel State Archives, 1948 - 1950 Kobi Cohen - Hattab The creation of a national archive or the reorganization of existing ones is commonly viewed as a significant step toward the creation of a nation - state . Archival documents can be highly significant in shaping the attitude of the emergent national culture toward its past . Indeed, the place of the archive in modern national movements and nation - states and its contribution to the shaping of a new collective identity are attracting increasing interest in the research community . Particularly interesting in the context of the State of Israel is the fact that some months after th...
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