308 קיצורים ביבליוגרפיים CdÉֹ Chronique d‘Éֹ gypte EIEretz Israel ESIExcavations and Surveys in Israel HTRHarvard Theological Review HUCAHebrew Union College Annual IDBInterpreter‘s Dictionary of the Bible IEJIsrael Exploration Journal INJIsrael Numismatic Journal JANERJournal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions JANESJournal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society JAOSJournal of the American Oriental Society JARCEJournal of the Archaeological Research Center in Egypt JBLJournal of Biblical Literature JCSJournal of Cuneiform Studies JEAThe Journal of Egyptian Archaeology JEThSJournal of the Evangelical Theological Society JJSThe Journal of Jewish Studies JHSJournal of Hebrew Scriptures JNESJournal of Near Eastern Studies JNSLJournal of Northwest Semitic Literature JPOSJournal of the Palestine Oriental Society JQRJewish Quarterly Review JSOTJournal for the Study of the Old Testament JSSJournal of Semitic Studies JTSJournal of Theological Studies NABUNouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitai...
אל הספר