R u t y C h i n s k y - Am i t ay Michal Orgil : No Satellite Reception Curator : Ruty Chinsky - Amitay Jerusalem Artists House 9 June 2018 – 4 August 2018 Michal Orgil , a painter of highly expressive , color saturated spaces , blends places , memories , consciousness fl ashes , times , and situations in her works , to create an intricate , strati fi ed , -multi focal image of the world . Using a palette knife and a brush as well as her fi ngers , Orgil moves along the canvas , at times with powerful momentum , at others with a fl uttering , accurate touch . She oscillates between the wild and the restrained , between total uncertainty and clear , fi rm con fi dence . Anything can happen in this landscape which is both orderly and breached . She dubs this scenery , which recurs in her works , “ sewage creek . " Its origin is adjacent to the Teddy Stadium , at the point where the Soreq creek used to fl ow . This spot , on the seam line between the urban landscape and the open landscape...
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