Daniel Tsadik A Jewish Child’s Visions at the Service of Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Iranian Shi’i Anti-Jewish Polemicists

Community and Heritage A Series T he A haron and R achel Dahan Center for Culture , Society and E ducation in the Sephardic Heritage Published with the assistance of : T he A haron and R achel Dahan Fund for Sephardic Heritage I nitiated by the President of the University -Ben Zvi I nstitute for the Study of J ewish Communities in the E ast NSBI 978 - 965 - 226 - 482 - 4 © 2017 Copyright by Bar - I lan University , R amat Gan A ll rights reserved . N o part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical , including photocopying and recording , or by any information storage and retrieval system , without permission in writing from the publisher . Photo Typesetting : Sefi Graphics Design , Beer - Sheva Printed in I srael , 2017 Graphit Press , Ltd ,. J erusalem iranian jewry Leadership , Society and Culture E ditor Shaul R egev -Bar iLan itysUniver PreSS , R amat Gan  אל הספר
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