AAA Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology Ab A nchor bible ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary AfO Archiv fur Orientforschung ANET Ancient Near Eastern T exts Relating to the Old Testament , edited by James b . Pritchard , 3 d ed ,. Princeton 1969 AnOr Analecta orientalia BA Biblical Archaeologist BAR Biblical Archaeology Review BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research BBR H einrich Zimmern , Beitrage zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion , Leipzig 1901 BO Bibliotheca orientalis BR Bible Review CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of – Chicago , 1956 CAT M . Dietrich , O . Loretz and J . Sanmartin , The Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts from Ugarit , Ras Ibn Hani and Other Places , Munster 1995 CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly diss . dissertation EncJud Encyclopedia Judaica ExpTim Expository Times fRLANT orschungenf zur R eligion und Literatur des A lten und N euen Testaments HAR ewHebr Annual Review HAT Handbuch zum A lten Testament HUCA Hebrew...
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