Children ( don’t ) get mixed up . Utterances such as "beitzot" ( instead of "beitzim" - eggs ) , "kafkafayim" ( instead of "kafkafim" - ֳ ip- ֳ ops ) , and "hamigdal nifrak" - the tower falled ( instead of "hamigdal hitparek" - the tower fell down ) , which we may consider amusing errors , are not simply errors , but rather natural stages of development in the acquisition of language . The book , Hamigdal nifrak : Words innovations created by children and their analysis , contains an extensive collection of original utterances by children of between one and a half and four and a half years old - the likes of which they never heard articulated by the adults interacting with them . Each utterance is accompanied by a linguistic and developmental explanation . The book is meant for anyone who is sensitive to and affected by hearing children’s unique linguistic creations - including family members , students , and educators . The chapters in the book have all been enhanced by the artistic i...
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